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Maggie's Room Posts


The pandemic has been going on for nearly 2 years now. I can’t help but wonder – have we grown more socially awkward during this time, or did the isolation just surface the worst in us? Have the things that we normally kept hidden with our busy working schedules and a dozen hobbies started to pop up? Observing my interactions with people over the past while, I must admit I have learned some important lessons. 1. You will lose close people, people in your inner circle The number one lesson is also the hardest one to accept. When I felt…

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Who Are You?

Who are we really? If you were to be asked that question, are you sure you would know the answer to it? My Twitter bio says I’m a software engineer, a passionate runner, a fitness enthusiast, a beer lover, a Bryan Ferry fan, an auntie, and an occasional scribbler. But past this very brief intro, who am I really? The truth is: some days I don’t even know. The things I feel most grounded in sometimes slip away from underneath me. And then I get lost and it comes out in very unexpected ways and in the most awkward circumstances.…

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2021 – The Year I Created My Netflix Account

No, I haven’t been living under the rock for the past few years. When I started dating my ex, Netflix wasn’t such a big thing yet. Once we moved in together, we decided to use his account as our joint account. And it had remained our account for months after the separation. We were both silently using it, not wanting to be the asshole that changed the password. Until, soon after the New Year’s, he stopped paying for it. I assumed he created a new account, so I went and did the same. That Netflix account was the last thing…

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When Life Gives you Rain…

…Go For a Beer This year I became an Irish citizen, an event today marked by a (virtual) citizenship ceremony. It’s been almost 8 years to the day since I first landed in Dublin. Back in 2013… Little did I know about Emerald Isle back then. It’s home to Guinness, that expensive beer we have only on special occasions. I used to have a small glass of Guinness after passing major exams in college – it was THAT expensive. Ireland is also home to one of the best bands of all time – The Cranberries (you didn’t think I’d say…

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Amsterdamski polumaraton – treći put prijavljen, prvi put istrčan

Moja priča s trčanjem započinje 2013te. Moja dobra prijateljica tad je odlučila istrčati maraton. U toj nakani, našla je klub s kojim je krenula okretati dužine. Sasvim ozbiljno, predložila je da im se i ja pridružim. “Imaju ti oni i školicu trčanja, ne moraš trčati maraton, možeš polu”. Tada sam bila u “normalnoj ljudskoj” formi, istrčala bih jednom tjednom 5km na laganih 30 minuta; nije mi bilo jasno kako, ili zašto, bi netko htio trčat više. Stoga se i dalje ne sjećam zašto sam zapravo pristala na taj pothvat školice trčanja. Krenulo se lagano povećavati kilometražu – 6, 7, 8,…

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