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Maggie's Room Posts

Strankinja sa plavi eyes

Sjedi tako sama, u jednom opatijskom baru na obali mora. Gleda zamišljeno na pučinu, ali ne prezamišljeno. Onako, kao žena koja se zna opustiti, ali ne i izgubiti u mislima. Godine je smještaju u kasne tridesetima, možda i rane četrdesete. Ima uredno nalakirane nokte, decentnu šminku i decentan nakit. Odjeća joj je sva bijela, ležerna, ali pristojna. Causal chic, reklo bi se. Pored čaše gin tonica stoji joj je iPhone u roznoj navlaci. Još da ne povlači tu električnu cigaretu, vape, ili što već, bila bi gotovo zrcalna kopija mene. Malo sofistiriciranija verzija, doduše. Više kao Kate Middleton, manje kao…

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99 Luftballons

Sjedila je tako sama, gledajući kako kiša pada u daljini. Bio je ovo još samo jedan u nizu njenih solo odmora. Nije vise primjećivala zabrinute poglede, niti podrugljive poglede, niti zavidne poglede. Samo je sjedila tako, jedne svibanjske večeri u jednom opatijskom kaficu. Isto tako, nije ni primijetila da se kafić napunio zbog kiše koja je ljevala vani. – Können wir hier sitzen? – začula je glas ispred sebe. Trebalo joj je nekoliko sekundi da se trgne. Glas je pripadao starijem gospodinu, blizu 70te po njenoj skromnoj procjeni. Pored njega stajala je gospođa sličnih godina, vjerojatno mu supruga. Desno od…

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Born To Run

So, you thought you finally had it all. Sweet kisses and long conversations. Passionate nights and calm days. Silly banter and serious topics. You thought you had a man who adores you. The one who is not afraid to tell you he loves you, multiple times a day. You started to finally think all those love songs actually make sense. There exists a love that’s strong and real. A love that comes from two imperfect people, trying their best to complement each other. You started to think you might get your happy ending after all. There is a person who…

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As The World Stood Watching

On this day, Croatia marks a sad day in its modern history – a day the siege of Vukovar ended. Vukovar, a small, quiet border-town became a target of the opposing army occupation in the early September 1991. The battle lasted for 87 days and ended on November 18th, when largely outnumbered Croatian troops surrendered to the Yugoslav and Serb military forces. The city was almost completely run to the ground, with not a single build left undamaged. Thousands were killed and tens of thousands fled. I was five on this day in 1991. The only memory I have is…

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To The Guy Who Hurt Me

To the guy who hurt me – I understand. I understand why you said I was beautiful. I understand why you said you had never felt this way before. I understand why you had to run away and hide. Connection and attraction can be scary, no matter how wonderful they are. You wanted a simple love, not the all-consuming one. Uncomplicated. The kind of love that makes you bored, not challenged. Your afternoons needed to be spent sipping tea and talking about the rain, not running through the forests talking about the mysteries of the universe. I understood it even…

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