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Category: life

My First Solo Vacation

This summer I booked my very first solo vacation. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve traveled a lot on my own, mostly for work or visiting friends who live in other countries. I’m no stranger to sleeping alone in hotel rooms, wandering the streets of an unknown city, or having cringe-worthy conversations with Uber drivers. There’s a noticeable difference, however, between sitting in a lobby in a hotel downtown, surrounded by other lonely and tired people staring at their laptops, and going to a hotel on a beachfront where people come to enjoy themselves. This is what I’ve learned on…

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Art In the Time of Coronavirus

When the lockdown started, a few of my friends asked me if I was spending the additional time writing. The question would always come as a shock, no matter how many times I’ve heard it before. The answer was always the same – to write, you need a cool head. Mine has been hot mess. The pandemic hit me hard. I won’t go into details here why I think that was so. What you need to know is that insomnia and anxiety came like a tornado. For months I had struggled with a few basic human activities, like sleeping, eating…

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It’s Not Always Ok To Yell (But Sometimes It’s Necessary)

The theme for today is self-entitlement, or more specifically – what makes people feel entitled, above others? Recently I spent 4 days in a hotel in the mountains. It was a proper winter getaway, to the best you can imagine – wooden cozy rooms, fireplace, warm beverage, clear mountain air. And snow. Snow in the mountains is one of the reasons why I go to the mountains in the first place. I am well prepared for what it brings. Unlike the hotel staff, who, after it had snowed for 2 days, didn’t bother to clean the car park, leaving a…

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You’re My Best Friend

Time in Zagreb always affects me differently. Sometimes I feel calm, sometimes I feel nostalgic, sometimes sad. Other times I just can’t wait to leave. Regardless of my own mood, something unexpected always happens. Like that one time my colleagues sent me flowers when my dad was in a hospital. Or that one text from my ex which ended up with the two of us getting high, surrounded by kids’ toys, in the same room where we used to make out. Or most recently – an unexpected encounter with my former best friend that I thought I would never see…

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Meet on the Ledge (My Year in Review)

It’s that time of the year again, time for George Michael, ugly sweaters and mulled wine. It’s time to reflect on the previous year, be grateful for what it brought and take away the lessons learned. Before doing so, I must say how 2018 set the bar pretty high for the shittiest year award. It hit me in the head, punched me in the stomach, spat on me, left me lying on the floor and then hit my head against the wall a few more times – just to be sure. In comparison, 2019 was a breeze. In that tone,…

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