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Category: zivot

Graduation Day

I graduated from university on this day 10 years ago. I’ve been an engineer for ten years. One-third of a lifetime. It’s a nice milestone. Ten years ago I was preparing a graduation party. That night at the party my friends will give me a Thriller record as the first record for my future vinyl collection. It’s only fair the song Beat It would become a signature song of my future career. Sometime during that day, someone will have taken this photo: The girl in the photo is smiling, but it’s a reserved smile. She is happy to have finished…

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Bittersweet Symphony

This day started with a nasty fight with my partner. Slamming the door shut and all the accompanying drama. It continued with my friend telling me he had a brain tumor. Finally, it ended with having a glass of wine in the sun with a dear friend. And we don’t get those often here (sunny days, not friends). This day overall? It was nothing special. Just a regular day in the life. Filled with happy, sad and hurtful moments alike. Somebody asked me the other day if I was happy. My answer was that I was perfectly unhappy. I used…

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The Summer Is Over

I’m watching the sun go down on the horizon, and I’m coming to the realization: The summer is finally over. I smile. This was the wickedest and the weirdest summer of my life (and I’ve had a few of pretty nasty ones). I should have guessed it would be a twisted one by the way it started. The weather was incredibly nice; Ireland got three weeks of uninterrupted sun. Croatia was kicking it in the World Cup. That’s how it goes: The universe gives you some but takes some back. As the summer began I was sipping a gin-tonic on…

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Pricajmo malo o nogometu

Pričajmo malo o nogometu. Jučer sam prvi puta bila na utakmici u Irskoj. Irska protiv BiH. Zemlja koja je bila tako dobra premi meni protiv zemlje iz koje dolazi Ljubav. Jasno da ne mogu navijati niti za jedne niti za druge, tako da sam utakmicu pratila kao neutralni, ali zainteresirani promatrač. Ovo su moja zapažanja. Prvo: Ulaz. Rijeka ljudi slijevala se prema stadionu, ali cijeli proces bio je dobro organiziran. Vi lijevo, vi desno, pretres, cap, unutra ste. Od ulaska u radijus stadiona do prolaska bar-kod skenera: manje od 10 minuta. Drugo: Stadion. Kad uđeš, pokretnim stepenicama se popneš na…

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Live and Let Die

Smrt i razaranje. Svuda oko nas. Samo to vidim kad otvorim Internete. Novine, portali, facebookci… sve je puno negativnih vijesti. Tsunami, potresi, teroristički napadi, padovi aviona, automobilske nesreće… Ne znam za vas, ali mene je strah. Neki dan kad sam se vraćala doma, taksist mi je rekao da sam lijepa. Ja sam si to protumačila kao da će me sad evo silovat. Drugi dan sam se probudila usred noći i čula bojler kako proizvodi čudne zvukove. Nakon toga sam ostala još sat vremena budna, uvjerena da ću eksplodirat. Što se desilo s ljudima da se hrane  lošim vijestima? Je li…

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